Taman Ujung Water Palace

Taman Ujung Water Palace

Not only beaches and nature tourism. But Bali also has an interesting historical place. Taman Ujung Soekasada Karangasem is one of them. This place is widely known as the location of favorite prewedding photos in Bali and is known as a water palace inherited from the Kingdom of Karangasem. In the Dutch colonial era, Taman Ujung was called by the name Waterpaleis which means water palace.

Taman Ujung Water Palace is located in Banjar Ujung which is inside the Tumbu Village area in Karangasem District, Bali. To go to this one tourist spot, the best way is to use a private vehicle rental service. Moreover, the availability of public transportation to this place is quite minimal.

The construction of Ujung Karangasem Park was carried out using Dutch architectural services van Den Hentz and Chinese architecture named Loto Ang. Even so, this water palace building is made using a typical Balinese architectural design. The construction of this palace was originally an extension of the Dirah Pond which was built in 1901.

Construction of this Taman Ujung Water Palace takes a long time. Just imagine, only in 1921, the construction of the Ujung Park was officially completed. Furthermore, the palace which was recorded as a private ownership right of the Karangasem Kingdom family was made a marble inscription that read in two languages, namely Balinese and Malay.

Unfortunately, the existence of this water palace was eroded by the times. At the beginning of its construction, the Ujung Karangasem Park has an area of ??400 hectares. However, at present, the area of ??the water palace complex only reaches 10 hectares. The reason for the reduction in land in this palace was because most of the area was distributed to the people during the land reform period.

In addition, the Ujung Karangasem Park has also suffered severe damage. The damage occurred precisely in 1963. The damage was caused by the catastrophic eruption of Mount Agung, which is known as the highest mountain on the island of Bali. Furthermore, the Provincial Government of Bali has also made improvements to the condition of buildings in this place. These included the renovation process in 2000. The renovation process was carried out without making changes to the original design of the building.

If you are at the top you can see a variety of beautiful palace buildings with lush and tall trees and you can even see the wide sea view with the soft sound of the waves from there!

So, How? Are you interested to visiting Taman Ujung Soekasada?

Come when the weather is hot to get amazing photos!

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